Ronak Micronized Gypsum

Despite the similarity of the production path of mictonized gypsum with ordinary gypsum , the presence of a separator changes the final result in an indredible way .

This engineered and modern system has taken the production of micronized gypsum powder to a diffrent stage .

This difference make it possible to produce gypsum with the requested initial setting time according to the customer’s order .

Micronized gypsum granulation is in the micron range ( below 200 microns = 0.200mm ) which is used for polishing ( smoothing and polishing the final gypsum surfaces ) as well as for gypsum cutting and tooling in the construction industry .

Razi micrinized gypsum with Ronak brand can be produced in 100 , 150 and 200 mesh , in 25 , 30 and 40 kg bag made of propylene and adstar and is offered to domestic and foreign markets .